> VB语言在线手册 > 倒记秒数到3000年

<p>Countdown to year 3000:</p>

<script type="text/vbscript">
millennium=CDate("1/1/3000 00:00:00")
document.write("It is " & DateDiff("yyyy", Now(), millennium) & " years to year 3000!<br>")
document.write("It is " & DateDiff("m", Now(), millennium) & " months to year 3000!<br>")
document.write("It is " & DateDiff("d", Now(), millennium) & " days to year 3000!<br>")
document.write("It is " & DateDiff("h", Now(), millennium) & " hours to year 3000!<br>")
document.write("It is " & DateDiff("n", Now(), millennium) & " minutes to year 3000!<br>")
document.write("It is " & DateDiff("s", Now(), millennium) & " seconds to year 3000!<br>")
